Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Title:  Paranormalcy
Author:  Kiersten White
Publisher: Harper Teen Year: 2010
ISBN:  978-0-06-198584-3
Genre: Fiction/ Fantasy
This book is for grades: 6 and up    
Awards:  YALSA Teen Top Ten
Subjects/Themes: Fantasy, Fairies, Mysteries
AR Points: 10

Plot Summary:  16-year-old Evie can see through the glamour that fairies, vampires and other creatures use to fool humans.  She has been able to for as long as she can remember and has been working for the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA) since she was eight.  Evie’s best friend is a mermaid and she sort of dated a fairy name Reth.  Now she wants him to leave her alone.  More than anything in the world Evie wants to live a normal life and go to high school.  One day, Evie helps catch an intruder at IPCA who turns out to be a cute 17-year-old boy named Lend.  Lend is trying to solve the mystery about the strange creature that has been killing vampires and other magical creatures.  Solving the problem of the creature becomes a big worry for Evie, especially when she discovers she and the creature are linked by a fairy prophesy.

Review:  Evie is a fantastic, smart, girl with a quirky fashion sense.  She loves pink and her favorite High School TV show Easton Heights.  Evie is definitely someone you would want to have as a friend, cousin or sister.  Lend seems like a normal (almost) teenage guy.  He is not really sure who he is, but he is a great guy. The other characters fairies, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, water sprites and yes humans are all interesting.  White gets rid of the silly romance that usually surrounds vampires in the first chapter.  Paranormalcy has plenty of humor to relieve the tension from the mystery and the suspense will keep you reading all night long. White creates an alternate universe that is believable and refreshing although not without flaws. This is a great book for older ‘tweens to adults.

If you like this book you may also like:  Supernaturally by Kiersten White,

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