Sunday, February 19, 2012

Operation Yes by Sarah Lewis Homes

Title:  Operation YES
Publisher: Brilliance Audio   Year:  2011
Read by:  Jessica Almasy
Media: CD Unabridged Playing Time: 6 hours
ISBN:  978-1-61106-079-9
Genre: Fiction/Realistic
This book is for Ages: 8 - 14
Awards:  Audie Award for Best Audio Recording for Ages 8-12 (2010)
AR Points: 7.0
Subjects/Themes: Teachers/Students/Military Families/War/Hope

Plot Summary:  Bo is sure his 6th grade year is going to be different.  He has a new teacher, Miss Loupe, who has a tattoo and an ugly green couch.  His cousin, Gari, is coming to live with his family at the air force base.  Her mom an army nurse has been deployed.  Gari is in the sixth grade too.  Bo and Gari share a year learning to say “Yes, and  . . .” as Miss Loupe shares her ideas theater and improvisation with the 6th graders.  When tragedy strikes, Bo, Gari and the students of Mrs. Loupe’s sixth grade class try to restore hope to Miss Loupe, the school and soldiers.

Review:   Holmes reveals the interesting life of military children.  Bo is a typical 6th-grade-boy.  He is a little rowdy.  He likes airplanes and cars.  He struggles with the responsibility of being the base commander’s son.  His cousin Gari worries about her mom being deployed to Iraq.  The story deals with the special challenges faced by children of American soldiers.  Holmes book is happy, sad, strong and hopeful.  This book is a must read.

If you like this book you may also like:  Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, The Military Alphabet By Chris Demarest.

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