Monday, March 5, 2012

The Schwa was Here by Neal Shusterman

Title:   The Schwa was Here
Author:  Neal Shusterman
Publisher: Puffin Books        Year:  2004
ISBN:  0-525-47182-0
Genre: Realistic Fiction
This book is for Ages: 12-adult
Awards: Horn Book Award; ALA Best Book for Young Adults; ALA Notable Book
 AR Points:     9.0
 Subjects/Themes: Family Life/Friendships/Blindness/Identity

Plot Summary:  Brooklyn Eight-grader Antsy (Anthony Bonano) meets the Schwa, the invisible boy that sits next to him in science class.  The Schwa is real but nobody seems to notice him.   Antsy decides to help the Schwa use his invisibility to their financial benefit.  They charge a fee for feats of invisibility like sneaking papers into the teacher’s correction pile and stealing a dog bowl from the town’s most powerful recluse.  But both boys are looking for something more neither wants to be invisible anymore.

Review:  Do you ever feel invisible?  Shusterman provides insight into the mischievous and sometimes heartbreaking invisible lives of young people.  This book is a quick read that my son and I really enjoyed.  It is a great story with insights about the young person’s search for recognition.

If you like this book you may also like:  Antsy Does Time by Neal Schusterman

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