Sunday, April 29, 2012

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Calvin & Hobbes
By Bill Watterson

Text from video:  Welcome everyone.  The book I am going to tell you about today is called Calvin and Hobbes.  It is written by Bill Watterson.  The book is a collection of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip that was published in the late 1980s.  Calvin and Hobbes are best friends who get into all kinds of scrapes both at school and at home.  It doesn’t matter that Hobbes is a stuffed tiger and only Calvin sees him as real.  Together they explore the world and create more mischief than Calvin’s parents, and teacher can sometimes handle.   
Calvin caught Hobbes in a tiger trap rigged with a tuna fish sandwich.  Sometimes the pair are in school working on math problems like 7 +3, which is seventy-three according to Hobbes. Sometimes they are wondering what the mystery food is at the dinner table as it transforms into alien life forms.     Calvin even has an alter ego, the valiant Spaceman Spiff, who battles aliens with his neutralizer gun.  The imagination and creativity of these two characters is limitless.
Calvin has a frienemy at school named Susie.  Calvin is not on his best behavior with Susie and although he sends her a valentine, it is not very nice.  Susie gets Calvin back with a snowball. 
Calvin and Hobbes is a funny book you can read little bits at a time.   It is super imaginative and the best thing about it is that the fun continues in Bill Watterson’s 18 other books including Something Under the Bed is Drooling and Yukon Ho.  

Title:   Calvin and Hobbes
Author:  Bill Watterson
Publisher: Andrews and McMeel
Year:  c 1987
ISBN:  0-8362-2088-9
Genre: Fiction/Comics
This book is for Ages:  8 and up
Subjects/Themes:  Humor, Imagination

1 comment:

  1. I love Calvin and Hobbes. It is interesting to consider how it holds up, well I suspect. This was an interesting inclusion - we didn't talk about comic strip books but this was a good choice.
