Saturday, April 7, 2012

Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher

Title:   Th1rteen R3asons Why

Author:  Jay Asher
Publisher:  Razor Bill            Year:  2007
ISBN:  978-1-59514-171-2
Genre: Fiction
This book is for Ages: 13 up
Awards: YALSA Best Books for Yong Adults; Kirkus Editor’s Choice;
AR Points:      9.0
Subjects/Themes: Friendship/High School/Suicide

Plot Summary:  Clay Jensen receives a box with seven audio tapes in it.  When he listens to the first tape he hears the voice of his most recent crush, Hannah Baker.    Hannah killed herself only two weeks ago.  The tapes list the 13 reasons why she chose to take her life and are being sent to the 13 people who were part of the reason why.  If Clay or any of the others don’t listen to all of the tapes and pass them on to the next person, then someone else will release the tapes for everyone to hear.  Clay visits all the places in his town as he listens to Hannah tell her story.

Review:   I sat down and read this book straight through.  It is a thought provoking novel simultaneously told from two points of view, an interesting concept.  The story is compelling.  Of course you want to know why a young high school girl would take her life.  As an adult, I can look back and see many things that I went through in Hannah’s life.  Bad things happen and sometimes people welcome those bad things into their lives.   They purposely place themselves in situations that they know are dangerous and wrong.   No one knows why.  Asher creates good, bad and human characters.  He captures them where teens live in between adolescence and adulthood.  Teens and young adults have the ability to know right from wrong and sometimes lack the courage to stand up and do what is right or see dreadful consequences looming ahead.   Fortunately being a teenager is not terminal and high school does not last forever.   If you or someone you know is depressed or contemplating suicide please tell someone.  If that person doesn’t listen, tell someone else.  Keep telling people until someone listens and helps. You can find help from and 1-800 –SUICIDE.  These were some resources listed in the back of the book.  

If you like this book you may also like:  Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.

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